Thursday, May 29, 2014

June Rehab F.A.C.T.S. Presentation

I will be making this presentation which I’ve named “Rehab F.A.C.T.S. These are immutable truths I learned during my brain tumor rehab. Actually, they’re pretty common sense ideas on remain positive and tenacious during rehab after some stupid brain tumor or stroke totally messes with your heretofore wonderful life. I give this presentation because I sense that everybody knows that they need to do their rehab, but few actually stick with it. So my presentation is more about developing a positive attitude, self-discipline and trying to make rehab a bit of a game with, shock, maybe even a dash of sardonic humor.
 PS -  This is open to all brain tumor/stroke/trauma victims, caregivers, friends and family.
PPS - They usually serve nice snacks, too.

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