often check my blog hits to see which subjects are resonating with followers.
It tells me what brain-tumor related issues folks do, and don’t, want to read
about. I don’t think, though, that you can do this. So, here is a listing of my
top six most popular blog posts in case you missed them.
“Asparagus & Cancer” – While I wrote
about the possible cancer-fighting benefits of asparagus (yes, asparagus!),
this post also talks a bit about attending my first Chi Gong class:http://johnstumor.blogspot.com/2012/08/asparagus-cancer.html
“Chia Seeds & Cancer” – This post
was links to a “… surprisingly upbeat posting on the American Brain Tumor
Association’s Inspire blog” about the benefits of Chia seeds which, of course,
I still haven’t bought (mostly because they’re really expensive) -
“Brain Tumors and U.S.A. Social Security
Disability Benefits” – If you aren’t a US citizen, this guest posting about
how to apply for social security benefits may not be so interesting, or it
might make you glad that you don’t have to navigate the US medical system:
“Drinking Cocoa = Healthy Brains” –
Here’s another post about something we can all do to improve our cognitive
abilities. I am convinced that this speaks to the yearning that all brain tumor
victims have to do something (anything!) to fight their despicable disease:
“Latest Brain Surgery Celebrity: Mumford
& Sons bassist Ted Dwane”
– I suspect this posting is popular because it puts a human face (or a name or
a band) on brain surgery:
“Dental X-rays: Possible Cause of Meningioma”
– I’ve included this posting because it gets at the heart of this mysterious
question that so many of us victims are wrestling with: “Why Me?” What did I do
to deserve this horrible, relententless, unforgiving and terrifying thing
wreaking havoc in my brain? If you’re a meningioma victim, it just might be
that your dentist was the culprit:http://johnstumor.blogspot.com/2012/04/dental-x-rays-possible-cause-of.html