Wednesday, March 19, 2014

“A good night’s sleep may be key in fighting cancer.”

The headline in the online edition is less sensational, “New research suggests poor-quality sleep directly affects cancer in mice.”,0,1047371.story
What’s more important is that the article, written by Judy Peres, states that “Two 2012 studies found that people who suffer from sleep apnea are more likely to be diagnosed with any type of cancer and more likely to die of the disease, than people with undisturbed sleep.”

She goes on to note that “More recent studies have found that men who sleep too little or too much are more likely to develop prostate cancer, and breast cancer patients who don't get enough sleep have a higher risk of relapse.”

More importantly, “Now, researchers think they understand better how poor-quality sleep directly affects cancer. Their findings, if corroborated, could lead to the development of new cancer-fighting drugs.”

What researchers? According to Peres, “A team from the University of Chicago and the University of Louisville reported in January in the journal Cancer Research that interrupted sleep can speed cancer growth, increase tumor aggressiveness and dampen the immune system's ability to control early cancers.”

If this kind of article makes you hopeful or yearning to learn more, here’s the link (again):,0,1047371.story

Image credit: <a href=''>stuartphoto / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

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